NaNoWriMo (April) – Day 26

This month has been exhausting, because not only have I been trying to get the NaNoWriMo project completed, which involves writing about 1,800 words a day, every day, I have been keeping up the A to Z blogging challenge with a new story every day bar Sunday.

You have no idea how much I looked forward to each of the Sundays.

Of course, a plan is needed if anyone is contemplating to do something similar.

It also requires you to be able to come up with a new idea every day for the the story and try not to get caught up in a crossover.

And, try not to hit the wall.

Which is exactly what happened yesterday, when I got half way through the story, and the equivalent to deleting the file rather than saving it happened.

So few yards from the finishing line and kaput, I’m sitting there in front of a blank screen wondering where the next 2,5000 words for the story are coming from.

And questioning my sanity.

I missed the deadline, wrote zero words for the A to Z and went to bed.

Tomorrow, hopefully, will be a new day!

Today’s effort amounts to nnnn words, for a total, so far, of nnnn.

More tomorrow.

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